Careers Page Form Δ
Dependable Break Room Solutions Career Application
Application for Employement
Select Country Afganistán Albania Alemania Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua y Barbuda Antártida Arabia Saudita Argelia Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belau Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bielorrusia Birmania Bolivia Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba Bosnia y Herzegovina Botswana Brasil Brunéi Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Bélgica Cabo Verde Camboya Camerún Canadá Chad Chile China Chipre Ciudad del Vaticano Colombia Comoras Corea del Norte Corea del Sur Costa Rica Costa de Marfil Croacia Cuba Curaçao Dinamarca Djibouti Dominica Ecuador Egipto El Salvador Emiratos Árabes Unidos Eritrea Eslovaquia Eslovenia España Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) Islas Vírgenes Estados Unidos (EEUU) Estonia Etiopía Filipinas Finlandia Fiyi Francia Gabón Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Granada Grecia Groenlandia Guadalupe Guam Guatemala Guayana Francesa Guernsey Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial Guinea-Bisáu Guyana Haití Honduras Hong Kong Hungría India Indonesia Irak Irlanda Irán Isla Bouvet Isla Norfolk Isla Santa Elena Isla de Man Isla de Navidad Islandia Islas Aland Islas Caimán Islas Cocos Islas Cook Islas Feroe Islas Georgias y Sandwich del Sur Islas Heard y McDonald Islas Malvinas Islas Marianas del Norte Islas Marshall Islas Salomón Islas Turcas y Caicos Islas Vírgenes Británicas Islas de ultramar menores de Estados Unidos (EEUU) Israel Italia Jamaica Japón Jersey Jordania Kazajistán Kenia Kirguistán Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Laos Lesoto Letonia Liberia Libia Liechtenstein Lituania Luxemburgo Líbano Macao Macedonia Madagascar Malasia Malaui Maldivas Malta Malí Marruecos Martinica Mauricio Mauritania Mayotte Micronesia Moldavia Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Mozambique México Mónaco Namibia Nauru Nepal Nicaragua Nigeria Niue Noruega Nueva Caledonia Nueva Zelanda Níger Omán Pakistán Panamá Papúa Nueva Guinea Paraguay Países Bajos Perú Pitcairn Polinesia Francesa Polonia Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Reino Unido (UK) República Centroafricana República Checa República Democrática del Congo (Kinshasa) República Dominicana República del Congo (Brazzaville) Reunión Ruanda Rumania Rusia Sahara Occidental Samoa Samoa Americana San Bartolomé San Cristóbal y Nieves San Marino San Martín (Países Bajos) San Martín (parte de Francia) San Pedro y Miquelón San Vicente y las Granadinas Santa Lucía Santo Tomé y Príncipe Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leona Singapur Siria Somalia Sri Lanka Sudáfrica Sudán Sudán del Sur Suecia Suiza Surinam Svalbard y Jan Mayen Swazilandia Tailandia Taiwán Tanzania Tayikistán Territorio Británico del Océano Índico Territorios Palestinos Territorios australes franceses Timor Oriental Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad y Tobago Turkmenistán Turquía Tuvalu Túnez Ucrania Uganda Uruguay Uzbekistán Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Wallis y Futuna Yemen Zambia Zimbabue
Emergency Contact Information
About You
Are you 18 years of age or older?
What position are you applying for? Choose all that apply.
Office Set-up / Installation Team Warehouse Team Maintenance & Repair Sales Position Other
Do you hold a driver's license?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Have you worked for this or any other vending company?
Do you have computer experience?
Do you have any health restrictions that would apply to work on the job such as lifting requirements, driving restrictions, etc?
Are you currently employed?
May we contact your current employer?
Educational Background
What employment skills do you have that you believe would make you a good employee?
Previous Employment
List most recent employers first.
U.S. Military Service
I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that, if I am employed, falsified statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references and employers listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release the Company from all liability for any damage that may result from utilization of such information.
This waiver does not permit the release or use of disability-related or medical information in a manner prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other relevant federal and state laws.
At-Will Employment Status
The Company employees are employed on an at-will basis. Employment at-will may be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice at any time by the employee or the Company. Nothing in the employee handbook or other Company documents shall limit the right to terminate at-will employment. No employee of the Company has any authority to enter into an agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make an agreement for employment on other than at-will terms. Only the owner of the Company has the authority to make any such agreement, which is binding only if it is in writing.
Background Check
In the event of my employment with the Company I will comply with all rules and regulations of the Company. I understand that the Company reserves the right to require me to submit to a test for the presence of alcohol or drugs in my system prior to employment and at any time during my employment, to the extent permitted by law.
I also understand that any offer of employment may be contingent on passing a physical examination and a test for the presence of alcohol or drugs in my system, performed by a doctor selected by the Company. Further, I understand that at any time after I am hired, the Company may require me to submit to a physical examination and an alcohol and drug test, to the extent permitted by law. I consent to the disclosure of the results of any physical examination and related tests to the Company.
I understand that should I decline to sign this consent or decline to take any of the above tests, my application for employment may be rejected or my employment may be terminated.
I understand that the Company may contact my previous employers and I authorize those employers to disclose to the Company all records and information pertinent to my employment with them. In addition to authorizing the release of any information regarding my employment, I hereby fully waive any rights or claims I have or may have against my former employers, their agents, employees and representatives, as well as other individuals who release information the Company, and release them from any and all liability, claims, or damages that may directly or indirectly result from the use, disclosure, or release of any such information by any person or party, whether such information is favorable or unfavorable to me. I authorize the persons named herein as personal references to provide the Company with any pertinent information they may have regarding me.I hereby authorize the Company to contact any or all of my former employers and references to provide the Company with any pertinent information they may have regarding me.
In regards to copies of any and all reports that contain investigative information about me and are obtained by the Employer in connection with this Application for Employment:
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