Environmentally Friendly Coffee by Design


Dependable Break Room Solutions works hard to create an environment, both internally and externally, that supports green initiatives. When you choose to work with Dependable, you are partnering with a company that understands the importance of taking care of the limited resources that are available within this world and the value that a company should place on reducing their footprint.

Biodegradable Pods

Dependable has chosen to work with biodegradable Pods verse the single serve k-cups that are hard on the environment.

Energy Efficient Equipment

All of the coffee equipment that Dependable uses is energy efficient and has many energy saving features embedded into the equipment.


All of our equipment is remotely monitored to reduce our carbon footprint. We are able to fix a lot of issues remotely, reducing our footprint and down time on your equipment.

Empiece a disfrutar de un servicio de sala de descanso constante que ahorra tiempo, demuestra a sus empleados que se preocupa por ellos y eleva la moral de la oficina.