Today’s hot topic is coronavirus. COVID-19 to be exact. Different sources are reporting different information which has either led to fear or even indifference. Some have gone “corona crazy”… The truth is there is still a lot of unknowns, which is probably why people are frantically stocking up on toilet paper and bottled water. A reliable resource for getting up-to-date information is always The Center For Disease Control and Prevention. Although it’s still safe to go out in public, some people may feel more comfortable to limit their time and exposure in public.
This may be the case with your employees. If your business has not gone to a work-from-home model, those who are healthy continue showing up to work on a daily basis but may feel more comfortable limiting their outside exposure. They may seek to stay in the office for lunch instead of going out to eat. Their morning Starbucks run before work may be replaced by a cup of coffee in the office. Are you offering food and beverage options for your employees? Do they have choices within the office instead of relying on local restaurants and coffee shops?
Consider installing a vending machine full or fresh food options. Or, what about a micro market with a wide variety of snacks, fresh food, and beverages? Or what about some fresh-brewed coffee from a bean-to-cup coffee brewer? COVID-19 won’t be a problem forever. The “corona crazy” will come to an end, but why not create some solutions now that have lasting corporate benefits?
Contact us at [email protected] for more information. And… don’t forget to wash your hands!