Having happy Inland Empire employees is about more than paying the highest wages.
In their article “How Zappos Creates Happy Customers and Employees” greatplacetowork.com shared insights and practices from Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.
Hsieh believes that workplace culture needs to take priority first because “a company’s culture and a company’s brand are really just two sides of the same coin. What goes around the office comes around to the customer.”
So how do you create a happy culture, happy employees?
Hsieh believes that happiness is comprised of 4 key aspects:
• Perceived control
• Perceived progress
• Connectedness (meaning the number and depth of your relationships)
• Being a part of something bigger than yourself
If you’re in HR, facilities, acting as office manager or running your own business and having a difficult time cultivating a happy workplace in Inland Empire, may we suggest one simple fix that could help promote all 4 of Hsieh’s key to happiness aspects?
Redesign your break room!
A well designed break room can give employees a retreat to refocus when things feel out of control, a feeling of productivity when returning to work, connection to other employees and a chance to celebrate both individual and corporate successes.
In his article “10 Essentials of the Most Successful Companies’ Break Rooms” on Inc.com, Jayson Demers, Founder and CEO of AudienceBloom suggests 10 ideas to make the break room a focal point for office health, happiness, and productivity. Here are some of his ideas:
1. Offer Free Coffee – It’s affordable and caffeine increase attention spans, improves focus and boosts mental energy
2. Make it Different – The break room needs to feel like a retreat. Make it look different than the rest of the office: paint the walls different colors, decorate with fun posters and stay away from anything serious.
3. Games – Give employees a create outlet which in turn promotes creativity back at their desks. Games also encourage employee bonding.
4. Provide Healthy Snacks – You can help employees curb hunger with a healthy choice. Give employees healthy options decrease the chances of them reaching for something high in sugar that spike insulin and results in energy crashes.
5. Celebrate – Employee birthdays and anniversaries, team successes, celebrate it all in the break room. This should be a happy place only, take disciplinary meetings elsewhere.
6. Entertainment – A TV gives employees who might have nothing to talk about a focal point for conversation. Industry books, pop culture magazines and news gives employees an opportunity to educate themselves quickly while also fostering break room conversation.
7. Suggestions – Ask employees what they want and when in reason give it to them! According to the Society of Human Resources Management 43% of organizations use surveys to determine employee satisfaction and 81% review benefits once a year. Use free online survey tools (like surveymonkey.com) to give your employees a voice and then respond so that they know you listened.
Finally, take a hint from the tech world, where companies like Google and Facebook, give meals to their employees. Can’t afford to do it every day? There’s no need to. Pick one day a week and offer a family breakfast or lunch where everyone dines together. Studies show that eating a meal together can promote connectivity with employees and when employees feel connected to each other they are more likely to work together and settle arguments quickly.
For more information on cultivating happiness in your Inland Empire workplace or to find out about our office coffee and healthy snack services call Dependable Vending today at 800.785.3803 ext. 223.