new year's resolution
help your employees
Healthy Employees

It is no surprise that having healthy eating habits is a common New Year’s resolution. As an employer, you can help your employees achieve this goal. In an article by Freshbooks, they discuss how the average person will spend one-third of their life at work. That’s roughly 90,000 hours at work over your lifetime. With employees spending a significant amount of time at work, they often feel they don’t have time to focus on their health goals. You can help them in their wellness journey as an employer. In this blog post, we will discuss how to help your employees have healthier eating habits and the benefits that come with it.

Provide Healthy Snacks and Meal Options

Many people make healthy eating habits a part of their New Year’s resolutions. But following through with those resolutions can be a real challenge. As an employer, you can help your employees achieve their health goals by providing healthy food options at work. Offering healthy snacks like fruits, veggies, and nuts and providing healthy meal options during lunchtime can make a big difference. When employees have easy access to healthy foods, they are more likely to choose them over unhealthy options. This can boost their energy levels and concentration, leading to increased productivity. Consider adding a pantry service that offers healthy snacks to your workplace. This way, your employees can grab a quick and nutritious bite whenever they need a boost. Ultimately, promoting healthy eating habits at work can create a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

Encourage Physical Activity

It’s no surprise that physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. As an employer, you can help your employees become more active by providing the opportunity to take breaks and go for a walk. Encouraging them to use their lunch break to do some physical activity can also be very beneficial. When they get up and move, they’re more likely to return to work feeling energized and focused. Being physically active can lead to increased productivity and motivation, which will be a long-term asset for your business. Don’t underestimate the power of a little movement throughout the day. Help your employees incorporate physical activity into their workday and reap the rewards.

Office Water Filtration

Another straightforward way to help your employees is by offering clean, filtered water in your breakroom. Employees are more likely to drink more water throughout the day by providing access to fresh and purified water, leading to improved hydration and better overall health. Additionally, staying hydrated can reduce the urge to snack and enhance energy levels constantly. With office water filtration systems, you can provide clean and safe drinking water free of harmful impurities. Invest in your employees’ health and prioritize healthy eating habits this year by offering filtered water in your workplace.

Healthy Vending Machines

Healthy eating habits can be challenging to maintain, especially when heading out to work for the day without a packed lunch. With healthy options readily available, it is easy to avoid falling into the trap of unhealthy snacking or fast food indulgences. This is where healthy vending machines come in. By installing these machines in breakrooms, you can offer your employees a healthy alternative in the form of a granola bar, fruit cup, or turkey sandwich. Employees can stick to their healthy eating goals and make better choices throughout the day with these options. Healthy vending machines are a great addition to any workplace, promoting a balanced lifestyle.

Help Your Employees Reach Their New Year’s Resolution Today!

By implementing our suggestions for promoting a healthy lifestyle in the workplace, you are not only investing in the physical and mental health of your employees, but also in the success of your business. Imagine having a team of energized, productive, and content individuals who show up to work every day with a positive mindset. It’s not a far-fetched dream, but rather an achievable reality that starts with small changes. Our recommendations include providing nutritious food options, incorporating fitness activities into the workday, and providing clean and refreshing water. We encourage you to take action today by filling out our contact form and letting us help you create a healthier and happier workplace. Remember, a healthier workforce means a healthier bottom line for your business. Let’s make 2024 the year where we commit to prioritizing the physical health of everyone in the workplace together!

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